It’s time to get real about your food!
Are you aware of what we put into your body?
The main aim of Plant Power is to share practical information to help you and your family improve your well-being through the power of a plant-based diet.
Get back to the basics of nutrition: eat fresh, seasonal, organic and whole foods and avoid ultra-processed foods. It's not only better for our health, it's also better for our planet.
Why general diets don't work: A metabolic perspective
The circle effect of meat consumption: how livestock farming is damaging our planet and our health
A beginner's guide to low glycemic index (GI) nutrition
A guide for children: Alternatives to junk food
The benefits of fasting
A comprehensive guide to detoxifying your body
A healthy gut to boost your immune system
Holistic Approach: navigating menstrual issues, menopause, and fertility
Decoding food labels and additives
Ageing: understand and embrace the natural process
Naturopathic nutrition: fundamental practices and ingredients to avoid
Exploring the blue zone diet: the secrets of longevity
[Nutrition FAQs] What are the main sources of plant-based protein?
The impact of the modern lifestyle on digestion
Refined Sugar: the sweet temptation
[Nutrition FAQs] How can you optimise digestion and combine foods effectively for better nutrition?
Teenagers: navigating food choices
Healthy habits: Preventing and overcoming childhood obesity
Strategies for making healthy food irresistible to children
Have you ever heard of the "dirty dozen" in terms of nutrition?