Being eco-friendly means practices that help conserve resources like water and energy. Eco-friendly products prevent contributions to air, water, and land pollution.
Starting in your kitchen:
1. Start recycling and a compost pile or bin
It helps reduces methane emissions from landfills and lowers your carbon footprint. I found some compostable bags in Waitrose & Partners where I put vegetable waste for the compost.
2. Grow Your Own Herbs.
Rosemary, oregano, thyme, chives & mint
are easy to grow. How to Grow Herbs Indoors

3. Use Natural Cleaning Products.
Using natural cleaners contributes to a healthier environment. They help reduce pollution to waterways and air.
The Bio-D Company Ltd is a family business that created a range of cleaning products that are good for the planet & affordable.
4. Ditch Plastic Containers for Glass
Glass is generally safer than plastic when it comes to food storage. You can heat glass containers without worrying about any chemical leaching into your food, and they're more durable.
Every time you shop, you make a choice to support a healthy body and a healthy planet!